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Informasi Kepada Nasabah dan Masyarakat


Good morning Bapak and Ibu,

In related to news surrounding the merger between PT AXA Life Indonesia (ALI) and PT AXA Financial Indonesia (AFI) in online and print media, we would like to inform you that such corporate action is carried out to comply with the Single Presence Policy stated on Law on Insurance No. 40/ Year 2014.  Information related to this matter can be read in official Press Release that was issued by OJK No. SP 10/DHMS/OJK/II/2018 tanggal 5 Februari 2018 (attached).

In the last paragraph of the release, stating :
“The process of merger between PT ALI and PT AFI is not affecting the business process and the insurance coverage of AXA Group entities in Indonesia, which consists of PT AXA Mandiri Financial Services, PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance, and PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia.”

We We hope that this information can provide a clear explanation for Bapak and Ibu. AXA Mandiri will continue to be committed to continue to provide the optimum services and protection solutions to all customers in the country.

Should you have more questions, you can send them to:

  • Head of External Relations, Strategic Communication & Corporate Responsibility AXA Mandiri : Juliawati Wijanto di atau +62 21 3005 8888 ext. 8076
  • Corporate Communication & Event Manager AXA Mandiri : Luile Sawitri di atau +62 21 3005 8888 ext. 7160

Thank you.

For more information, contact:
Juliawati Wijanto Website :
Head of External Relations, Strategic Communication & Corporate Responsibility AXA Mandir Twitter : @AXA_Mandiri
Telp. +62 21 3005 8888 ext. 8076 Facebook : /axamandiri
Fax. Instagram : @AXA_Mandiri

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