Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

Protecting the Most Important for Society & Acting Together to Build a Country

AXA Mandiri Sebagai Mitra Masyarakat Indonesia

AXA Mandiri as Indonesian Community Partner

AXA Mandiri as a community partner not only provides life protection, health and long-term financial planning solutions, but also continuously contributes and provides real work for the progress of the Nation.

Through sustainable corporate social responsibility activities, AXA Mandiri supports the community to have a better quality of life, which is realized through a series of program initiatives that are relevant to the current conditions of society. The program is divided into 3 pillars namely Health, Social Empowerment including Financial Literacy and Inclusion, and Environmental Sustainability.

The three pillars are expected to be able to provide various provisions of skills and knowledge to all levels of society in Indonesia through various program initiatives such as entrepreneurship training, financial literacy & education, philanthropic activities, improving public health, and sharing information on how to deal with natural disasters and pandemic times. This activity is supported and carried out jointly by management and employees, through the AXA Heart in Action and Mandiri Cinta Indonesia programs.


AXA Mandiri CR Program



AXA Mandiri holds firmly its commitment to help the people of Indonesia in improving the quality of life through various initiatives, education to campaigns in the health sector. AXA Mandiri continues to collaborate with various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and various communities, so that every activity carried out can have the maximum impact from the public health side.

Social Empowerment, Financial Literacy & Inclusion

Social Empowerment, Financial Literacy & Inclusion

Social challenges in Indonesia are a driver for AXA Mandiri to continue to act and empower people so that they are more independent and have a better quality of life in the future. Various financial literacy & inclusion activities have been and will continue to be carried out by the company on an ongoing basis to create an increasingly empowered Indonesian society. 


Lingkungan Hidup

AXA Mandiri's commitment to sustainability issues is in line with the global movement that prioritizes environmental factors to be one of the strategies in social & environmental responsibility activities that the company undertakes. Together with other AXA entities in Indonesia and the community, AXA Mandiri will continue to voice the importance of maintaining environmental sustainability.

AXA Mandiri Corporate Responsibility

AXA Mandiri Corporate Responsibility

AXA Mandiri Corporate Responsibility 2023

Selain melakukan kegiatan bisnis di tahun 2023, AXA Mandiri juga memikirkan serta bertindak untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat yang lebih baik. Diharapkan adanya kehadiran AXA Mandiri semakin nyata di Indonesia.

Selain melalui produk dan layanan, AXA Mandiri memberi nilai tambah lewat kegiatan tanggung jawab perusahaan yang berkesinambungan. Kegiatan tersebut terangkum dalam pilar literasi dan inklusi keuangan, edukasi kesehatan masyarakat serta peningkatan kualitas lingkungan hidup. Pilar-pilar tersebut diharapkan akan dapat memberikan keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan daya saing masyarakat.