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Q & A About Insurance

Q & A About Insurance

Information/Notification to Policy Holders

If my application is pending, is there any notification/information from AXA Mandiri?

Yes, AXA Mandiri will notify you if your application status is pending through:

  1. Customer Care Centre (CCC) We will contact by phone regarding pending process that occurs, if not connected then;
  2. We will send you pending information by email, if it is not sent then;
  3. We will send pending information via SMS, if it is not sent then;
  4. We will send pending information through the mailing address.

What are the notifications/information that I will receive via AXA Mandiri SMS service?

You will receive a notification / information via SMS service in the form of:

  1. Premium due date notification;
  2. Failed account debit notification;
  3. Canceled policy status notification (inactive);
  4. Financial changes receipt notification of Financial, Withdrawal, Redemption, Cooling Off, Switching and Redirection;
  5. Notification of Pending and Drop Case information;
  6. Transfer and repulsion of partial and total investment withdrawal and redemption funds notification;
  7. Cancelling the redemption application thank-you note;.
  8. Premium Holiday discontinuation by system notification.

Other then with a notification letter, is there any other way?

Yes, you will receive notification/information via Short Message Service (SMS). But this notice only applies to those of you who provide a mobile phone number on the Life Insurance Request Letter (SPAJ) form. Therefore, make sure your mobile phone number is registered with AXA Mandiri.

What are the notification letters/information that I will get as an AXA Mandiri customer?

As an AXA Mandiri customer with an active status policyholder, you will receive the following notification letter/information:

  1. Debit Notification Letter
    Will be sent by email, SMS or mail as information there will be debiting funds for the payment of your policy premium
  2. Debit Failed Notification Letter
    Will be sent by email, SMS or Mail as information if there is a failure to debit your funds for the payment of your policy premium
  3. Policy Canceled Notification Letter (Inactive)
    Will be sent when the policy status changed to cancel/inactivity due to unpaid premiums exceeded the grace limit of 45 (forty five) days from maturity and the value of investment in the Policy is insufficient to meet the costs of the Policy.
  4. Policy Recovery Notification Letter
    Delivered after the overpax premium is paid. Policy Recovery is approved until the Policy is reactived.
  5. Endorsement
    This document will be sent for any changes to the Policy (if any).
  6. Refund Notification Letter
    Sent if you make a partial or total withdrawal.
  7. Transaction Statement
    This statement will be sent if you make a Lumps Sum Top Up, or if there is a request from you.
  8. Annual Transaction Statement Report
    This report is a summary of policy transactions.

Istilah Asuransi

Whole Life Plan

This type of life insurance program offers lifetime protection against death or, if applicable, a complete and permanent disability, to the insured.


Appraisal/assessing process and classifying the degree of risk associated with the prospective insured, as well as making decisions to accept or reject these risks.

Sum Insured

Sum Assured listed on the policy page that will be paid in the event of death or other policy conditions that is paid at the end of the coverage period in accordance with the type of insurance taken. Does not include any additional amounts to be paid for other special provisions.


Person whose life/health is covered by the Insurance Contract.


The sale of the policy to the Insurer in the amount of Cash Value that has been formed at the time of the sale of the policy is carried out.

Sum Assured

The amount of the security deposit insured to the policyholder.

Single Premium Policy

A policy that only requires a single premium payment made in advance.


Rider is an additional benefit that can be included in a basic insurance program, such as a whole life plan or endowment program. These benefits are designed to provide additional financial protection at a lower cost.

Regular Premium Policy

A policy that requires regular premium payments, for example, monthly, every four months, every six months, or yearly.


The amount of money already specified in the policy to be paid to the Insurer for a number of benefits stated in the insurance contract.

Premium Notice

Notification letter from the Insurer to the Policyholder that a number of premiums will be due soon.

Automatic Premium Loan (APL)

Automatic policy loan taken from the Policy Cash Value (as long as the Cash Value is sufficient) to pay off unpaid premiums until the end of the flexibility period (not valid for Unit Link Life Insurance Policy).

Active Policy/Inforce

Insurance Policy where premium payments are paid on time or fully paid.

Orphan Policy

A policy whose agent is no longer active.

Policy Lapse

Termination of insurance coverage as a result of unpaid premiums.


Insurance Companies that provide Insurance coverage through agreements in the Insurance Contract.


Return of policy status from lapse to inforce to restore protection benefits/guarantees.


A minor, who is under 21 years old and unmarried.

Medical Check Up

Medical examination conducted by the insured candidate.

Maturity Date

The approved date at which an insurance company pays a cash amount of cash.

Lapse Notification

Written notification from the Insurer to the Policy Holder that the policy is lapse.


Loss of benefits / guarantees of policy protection caused by premium payments stopped or exceeded the Payment Flexibility Period.

Investment-linked Plan

The premiums paid are used both to purchase life insurance protection benefits and units in an investment fund portfolio. The price of the units will depend on the investment performance of the fund.

Contestable Period

The period (two years) in which the Insurer has the right to question or investigate the correctness of the information/data provided by the Insured or the Policyholder in the application letter to determine the next decision on the policy contract.


Application / demand of a policy owner against the insurance company for payment of compensation in accordance with the articles of a policy.

Cash value/ransom value

The amount of money that will be received by the policyholder if he or she cashes in his/her life insurance policy which has savings value benefits.


Form that must be filled in by the Insured Candidate and Prospective Policyholder when applying for Insurance protection to the Insurer.


The name of the person listed in the policy to receive compensation in case of death to the Insured.

Advanced Premium Payment and Policy Premium Change

In order for the automatic debit of advanced premium payments to be successful, what should I do?

In order for the automatic debit of advanced premium payments to be successful, ensure the availability of funds in your account listed on SKDR or SKDKK. If there is a failure to debit the advanced premium within the grace period of 45 (forty five) days after the maturity date of the Premium and the Investment Value is no longer sufficient for the payment of insurance costs, then the policy status will be canceled.

Note: This provision only applies to premium payment options on a regular basis and insurance products containing investment (unit link).

How is the Policy Change Premium or Investment Addition (Lump Sump Top-Up)? Can advanced premium payments be made by automatic debit?

Similar to Dollar (USD) policies, further premium payments with automatic debiting cannot be made for Policy Change Premiums or Additional Investment (Lump sump Top-Up).

You can make advanced premium payments using the transfer method to your AXA Mandiri account at:

070-000-466666-0 (IDR) | Bank Mandiri Cab. Gatot Subroto ~ Jakarta

If my policy is Dollar (USD) can I apply for automatic debit?

Automatic debiting of advanced premium payments applies to Rupiah (IDR) and Dollar (USD) policies.

What are the requirements for my advanced premium payments to be successfully debited automatically?

In order for your advanced premium payment to be debited see the requirements that must be completed below:

  1. Fill out the Policy Data Change Form, SKDR or SKDKK correctly and completely.
  2. The account owner's signature must match the signature on your ID card or passport.
  3. SKDR or SKDKK has been verified by the local Bank Mandiri Customer Service Officer.
  4. Attach a photocopy of the debit account savings book (for debiting via account) or attach a photocopy of the front page of the credit card (for debiting via credit card).

How do I pay advanced premiums for my AXA Mandiri insurance policy?

Your AXA Mandiri insurance policy advanced premiums payment can be made through automatic debiting from Bank Mandiri account or Bank Mandiri credit card. Then, the automatic debit success if your account listed in the Account Debit Power of Attorney (SKDR) has been verified by Bank Mandiri and completed at the time of life insurance application and policy change.

Policy Recovery

Are there any tips for AXA Mandiri to identify my Premium payments, so that my policy remains active?

In order to keep your policy active, make sure premium payments run smoothly and can be identified by AXA Mandiri. Here are important tips for you:

  1. For auto debit payments via a savings account. If you receive SMS information about the debit for your Policy. Please immediately place funds in your account at a minimum amounting to the nominal premium payment to avoid failed debits and you can continue to enjoy AXA Mandiri protection.
  2. For payments with automatic debit via credit card. If you receive SMS information regarding the debit on your policy, make sure your credit card limit is sufficient, at least the premium is collected to prevent debit failure, so you can still enjoy AXA Mandiri protection.
  3. For payments via transfer, make sure you have entered the correct Policy number and Policyholder name, then send proof of payment via email to
  4. In case of account number change, please fill out the account change form immediately or contact Our Financial Advisor at the nearest Branch of Bank Mandiri or to Our Customer Care Centre.

How do I reactivate my policy?

Automatic Policy Recovery (lapse less than 6 (six) months (for policies issued without extra premiums or exemptions for an illness).

You can contact Our Call Centre at 021-3005 8788 by informing auto-recovery approval and willing to debit your account for pending payments.

Policyr recovery with risk selection (lapse more than 6 (six) months.

You can do both of these ways by fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. Fill out the Health Statement letter and attach a copy of the valid ID card.
  2. Pay all overdue premiums.
  3. Attach proof of overbooking.
  4. Perform a medical examination (if necessary).

Your policy will be reactivate within 2 (two) working days after all the requirements and the above documents have been fully received by AXA Mandiri Policy Owner Services (POS).

Can my inactive (lapse) policy be reactivated?

Your policy that has been inactive (lapse) can be re-active with the period of request for activation of the Policy is 12 (twelve) months since the Policy is inactive (lapse).

Claim Submission

What are the procedures and requirements if I want to submit a claim?

As an AXA Mandiri customer, you can follow the procedures and requirements to submit a claim as below;

  1. Claims can be submitted by the Policyholder/Insured (if the Insured is over 17 years old)/Beneficiary/Legal Trustee and the status of the Policy is still active when the claim is submitted.
  2. Fill out the Claim Submission Form that can be obtained through Financial Advisor at Bank Mandiri Branch Office, Bank Mandiri Head Office, AXA Mandiri Customer Care Centre, AXA Mandiri website and Care Corner.
  3. Submit the Claim submission form and the completeness of the documents as stated in your Policy to AXA Mandiri Head Office and addressed to the Claims section.
  4. Claim Submission Form and completeness of documents must be filled in Bahasa Indonesia. Otherwise, the contents of the form and document must be translated first by the Sworn Translator into Bahasa Indonesia. It is the obligation of the Applicant to make a claim.
  5. If Beneficiary is under 17 years old, then the Claim Form is completed by a Legal Trustee.
  6. The doctor's certificate must be filled in by the doctor who examines/treats the Insured.
  7. All submitted documents must be original or copies legalized by authorized officials.
  8. If there is a document or data that is not complete, then the Claims section will notify it by mail, SMS and contact by phone to the Policyholder/Insured/Beneficiary/Legal Trustee.
  9. For information on claims, contact our Customer Care Center at 021- 30058788.
  10. Time to process claims after the documents and complete information we receive, and when no additional information is required:
    1. Health Claim : 5 working days
    2. Other Claims : 14 working days
  11. Wajib melampirkan fotokopi KTP atau Paspor Pemegang Polis atau Tertanggung yang masih berlaku.

Caution: The procedures and requirements for submit a claim can be found in detail in the Policy book and your insurance product.

If my claim can be processed properly what should I do?

To make your claim process run properly, check out the tips for submit a claim below:

  1. Fill out the claim form clearly and completely.
  2. The doctor must sign the Claim Form with the doctor's full name and signature accompanied by a doctor/hospital stamp.
  3. The Insured or Policyholder must sign a Health/Disability/Critical Illness Claim Form.
  4. The Death Claim Form must be signed by one of the beneficiary appointed in the Policy.
  5. Claims are submitted within the time limit specified in the Policy.
  6. All supporting documents required in the Policy must be attached.
  7. If requested to provide additional supporting documents, please complete within 60 (sixty) calendar days starting from the date of request for additional supporting documents.
  8. Make sure that the Policy number has been filled in the Claim Submission Form and make sure the policy number listed is in accordance with the Policy book.
  9. Make sure that the account number listed on the Claim Submission Form is in accordance with the account number listed in the Account Debit Power of Attorney (SKDR).
  10. Make sure the claim destination payment account number is active.
  11. Make sure that the claim submitted is in accordance with the type of benefits owned and listed in the Policy.
  12. Make sure that when submitting an inpatient claim, the treated patient is listed as Insured and has inpatient benefits under the Policy.

Investment Transaction Submission

Can I withdraw all funds (Policy Cancellation)?

Yes, you can withdraw all investment funds. However, when you withdraw all investment funds AXA Mandiri insurance policy is automatically canceled and the protection expires.

The following are the terms and conditions for withdrawing all funds (Policy Cancellation):

  1. The process of policy cancellation consists of:
  • Cooling Off: Policy cancellation request in this period must have been received by AXA Mandiri no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days since the Policy was received by the Policyholder.
  • Redemption: Policy cancellation request received by AXA Mandiri after the cooling off period.
  1. Required documents:
  • Policy Withdrawal and Cancellation Form
  • A valid of copy ID card or Passport of Policyholder and savings book or current account with a valid Bank Mandiri letterhead.
  1. Policy Cancellation Fund can only be transferred to the initial or debiting account as stated in the SKDR. If the initial or debiting account does not match the policyholder's name. You must attach supporting documents that show the relationship of the account owner with the Policyholder such as a Birth Certificate or photocopy of Family Card.
  2. If the Policy Cancellation is done at a free time see (Cooling Off Period). Then the refund of the cooling off period will be deducted by administration fee or some investment value (whichever is greater).
  3. Policy Cancellation Fund will be transferred within 7 (seven) working days after the customer has been successfully contacted by AXA Mandiri or a complete document has been received.

Can I withdraw a partial investment fund (Withdrawal)?

You can apply for a partial withdrawal* at any time as long as the investment fund is available, by:

  1. Fill out the Withdrawal and Cancellation Form of the Policy by attaching a copy of a valid ID card and a copy of the saving book/current account with Bank Mandiri's letterhead.
  2. Minimum withdrawal IDR 1,000,000 or USD 100** per transaction.
  3. Minimum investment balance is IDR 5,000,000 or USD 500** per policy.

The partial withdrawal process will be transferred to your account within 7 (seven) working days after you have been successfully contacted or the complete documents have been received by AXA Mandiri.

*Especially for products containing investment (Unit Link)

**The use of foreign currency follows the applicable regulations in Indonesia

What if I want to change my correspondence address?

Changes to the customer's mailing address must fill out the form (currently cannot be done through the website). Form can be obtained from Financial Advisor at nearest Bank Mandiri branch or by contacting AXA Mandiri Customer Care Centre.

Can I change the fund that I have chosen (switching)?

You can change the type of investment at any time, just by filling out the Investment Fund Change Form. For more information please click Apakah saya dapat mengubah alokasi dana investasi?

Can I add investment funds at once (Lump Sum Top-up)*?

You can add investment funds at once (Lump Sum Top-up)* at any time. Top-up process will be done for 4 (four) working days starting from the receipt of original and complete documents and funds effectively entered in AXA Mandiri account. Here are the terms and conditions:

  1. Fill out the Investment Fund Form and attach a copy of a valid ID card or passport.
  2. Minimum Top-Up IDR 1,000,000 or USD 100** per transaction.
  3. Attach proof of top-up fund transfer.
  4. Top-Up can only be done by overbooking/book-entry/transfer between bank accounts.
  5. Additional investment funds can be transferred to AXA Mandiri account at Bank Mandiri number 070-000-4555558.
  6. Investment fund change form and proof of payment can be overbooked at the nearest Branch of Bank Mandiri or send a fax to AXA Mandiri Head Office number 021-3005 7800.

*Especially for products containing investment (Unit Link)

**The use of foreign currency follows the applicable regulations in Indonesia

CAUTION: You are not allowed to deposit or hand over some money to AXA Mandiri Financial Advisor (FA) or Bank Mandiri employees in terms of additional investment funds or Top-Ups.

Can I change the allocation of investment funds?

Yes, you can change the allocation of investment funds at any time and the process of changing the allocation of your investment funds will be active and effective 5 (five) working days after the complete document has been received. Please refer to the terms and conditions for changes in the allocation of investment funds below:

  1. Fill out the Investment Fund Form that can be obtained through Financial Advisor at Bank Mandiri Branch Office, AXA Mandiri Head Office or AXA Mandiri website by attaching a copy of valid ID card or Passport.
  2. Minimum investment fund transfer is IDR 1,000,000 or USD 100 per transaction.
  3. The total percentage after the change should be 100%.
  4. Minimum investment fund placement is 10% per transaction type.

How do I know my balance information?

You can contact the Customer Care Centre at 021-3005 8788, or by e-mail to

How long does it take for the withdrawal process?

The withdrawal process of part or all of the funds will be transferred to your account within 7 (seven) working days after you have been successfully contacted or the complete documents have been received by AXA Mandiri.

For more information on withdrawals please see here:

Partial Fund Withdrawal (Withdrawal)

Withdrawal of all funds (Pembatalan Polis)

Changes in AXA Mandiri Insurance Investment Fund. If I apply for changes/withdrawals of investment funds, does the transaction statement also wait for 1 year?

No, if the customer submits a change/withdrawal of investment funds, then the transaction statement will be sent after the submission has been processed.

Police Changes

What forms do I need to change my policy?

So that any changes in the policy can be identified properly and correctly. Here is a list of policy change forms that you can customize to your needs.

  1. Policy Data Change Form
  2. Investment Data Change Form
  3. Withdrawal form and Policy Cancellation to withdraw some funds and to cancel the Policy
  4. Account Debit and Credit Card Debit Procuration Letter, for account debiting
  5. Health Statement Letter, for changes in Premium payer protection for Policyholders (Payor Protector)
  6. Payment Change Addition/Recovery Statement Form (FP5) for additional information on policy change submission

How long does it take to change my policy?

The change process will take 3 (three) working days after the complete document is received by the Policy Owner Services (POS) section. For terms and conditions and information on the completeness of documents you need please click here.

If I want to make a policy change, what are the conditions that must be completed?

You can apply for policy changes with the following terms and conditions:

  1. Fill out the Policy Data Change Form that can be obtained through Financial Advisor at Bank Mandiri Branch Office, AXA Mandiri Head Office or AXA Mandiri website by attaching a copy of valid ID card or Passport
  2. Policy Data Change Form must be filled out completely and correctly, and can only be signed by the Policyholder.
  3. The original Policy Data Change Form and completeness of documents are sent to AXA Mandiri Head Office and addressed to the Policy Owner Services (POS) section.


When should I apply to renew my insurance policy?

You can apply to renew your AXA Mandiri insurance policy for a maximum of 2 (two) months before your insurance period ends, by contacting:

What is a deductible?

The risk itself is a certain amount that the policyholder is dependent on for each claim event.

How do I apply for a policy change?

Contact us immediately at:

What are the risks covered in my insurance policy?

You can find out the risks guaranteed by the insurance policy in the Coverage Overview.

What is the guaranteed value in my insurance policy?

You can find out the guaranteed value in the Coverage Overview.

How to Activate AXA Mandiri Insurance Policy?

Yes, a maximum of 1 year since the policy is inactive, by filling out the policy recovery form, paying the overpaxed premium and if the result of risk selection is required medically, then the customer must conduct a medical examination at AXA Mandiri partner hospital at his own expense.

When I apply for policy closure how is the procedure?

By completing the Investment Withdrawal Form and returning the original policy book. The form can be obtained through Financial Advisor at the nearest Branch of Bank Mandiri or come directly to AXA Mandiri head office

AXA Mandiri
AXA Tower lantai UGF, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav.18 Kuningan City
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia.

The policy closing process is 7 (seven) working days starting from the original and complete documents received by AXA Mandiri.

When is the Policy Financial Statement (Transaction Statement) sent to the customer?

Transaction Statements are sent 2 (two) times a year, i.e. at the beginning and middle of the year. In addition, the Customer will also receive a Statement of Transaction every time there is a change or withdrawal of Investment funds.

Health Protection AXA Mandiri Insurance Policy. Can I add additional health protection (rider) in my existing policy?

Yes, by filling out the Financial Policy Change Form and submitted 1 month before the policy anniversary and there will be a risk selection for it.

AXA Mandiri Insurance Policy Information For a Better Future. What if my policy becomes inactive? Is the premium I have paid refundable?

Premiums that have been deposited cannot be withdrawn because they have been used for life insurance coverage of the customer's policy as long as the policy is still active and there is no acceptable investment value. For inactive policies, premiums are not refundable.

Can I determine the debit date of my policy?

No, the date of the debate has been determined in accordance with the agreement between AXA and Bank Mandiri.

What if there is a failed debit on my policy?

In 1 month debiting will be repeated 4 (four) times: dates 1-3, 6-8, 16-18, and 25-27 each month. If up to 4 (four) debits are still not successful, then the Investment Value (if any) will be used to cover the costs charged. However, if the Investment Value is insufficient for these costs then the policy will become inactive (Lapse) and the protection expires.

When will the policy debiting be carried out?

Debiting only through a savings account at Bank Mandiri, with the following conditions:

  • For policies issued between 1st to 15th of date will be debited every 1st to 3rd of date.
  • For policies issued between 16th to 31st of date will be debited every 16th to 18th of date.
  • If there is a debit failure. Then there will be a re-debit on the specified date.

AXA Mandiri Insurance Policy Handover Procedure

As long as the new policyholder still has an insurable interest relationship with the Insured, and meets the risk selection requirements.

For educational products, a financial policy change form is required. Attach a copy of ID card and other supporting documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, Family Card), and health statement. 

As for products other than educational products, it is necessary to fill out the Non-Financial Policy Change Form.

Procedure for Renaming AXA Mandiri Insurance Policy. Can I replace the insured in my Policy with someone else? How?

No, you cannot

About AXA Mandiri Insurance

Why should payment of investment withdrawal benefits be transferred to the name and account number listed in the policy book?

This is to provide certainty that the payment of investment fund benefits has been given to the person who is entitled to receive it, as stated in the Policy.

What should I do if I lost my policy book?

You can have a policy in digital form (e-policy) that is sent to the customer's email address. E-policy submissions can be submitted by:

  1. Fill out the Policy Data Change Form.
  2. Attach a copy of your valid ID card or passport.

Application of Duplicate Policy Book can be submitted by:

  1. Fill out the Policy Data Change Form.
  2. Paying duplicate Policy Book fees by overbooking.
  3. Attach a copy of your valid ID card or passport.

If my policy status is canceled (inactive), can I reactivate the policy?

If the policy is canceled for less than 6 (six) months and the issued standard policy, then you can do Policy Recovery automatically. 

You can contact our Call Center at 021-3005 8788 by informing us of the automatic recovery approval and willing to debit the customer's account for pending premium payments (Policies issued without extra Premiums or exemptions for an illness).

However, if the policy is canceled for more than 6 (six) months, then you can do Policy Recovery with risk selection. Here are the requirements you must meet:

  • Fill out the Policy Recovery Application Form.
  • Pay a overdue premium.
  • Attach proof of overbooking.
  • Conduct a medical examination (if necessary).

What happens to my policy if I haven't paid the premium until the specified time limit?

If the investment value of the Policy is sufficient to pay the insurance fee, then the cost is taken from the investment value and the status of the Policy remains active.

If the investment value of the Policy is insufficient to pay the insurance fee, then the Policy becomes void (inactive). This means that the insurance protection for the Policy is no longer valid, thus AXA Mandiri is not obliged to pay if the customer submits a claim.

For certain products, in case of debit failure for 45 (forty five) days before the age of the two-year policy, the policy will be automatically inactive (Autosurrender).

Is there a premium payment deadline?

Yes, the premium payment grace period is 45 (forty five) calendar days from the premium due date.

Can I change the type of investment?

You can change the type of investment at any time by filling out the Investment Fund Form. Investment Fund Change Form can be obtained through Financial Advisor at Bank Mandiri branch office, AXA mandiri Head Office, or AXA Mandiri website

Click here for more information on applying for investment changes

How do I get my policy transaction report?

  1. Every month a transaction statement will be sent to you, containing all transactions that have been done by email or sms registered in AXA Mandiri.

  2. For those of you who do not have an email address and mobile number, a transaction statement will be sent to the correspondence address 2 (two) times a year.

  3. You can also request a transaction statement at any time through Financial Advisor at Bank Mandiri branch or AXA Mandiri Customer Care Centre.

What products does AXA Mandiri offer?

Asuransi Mandiri Perlindungan Sejahtera

Asuransi Mandiri Perlindungan Sejahtera comes as a life protection solution that will accompany Indonesian families when facing life risks. Maslahat Compensation Insurance if the Participant dies, the value of investment formed in accordance with the development of the market, are some of the benefits that can be obtained by the customer in preparing for a better future and family. The benefits obtained are in the form of Life Protection Benefits, Investment Benefits and Loyalty Bonuses.

Asuransi Mandiri Elite Plan

If you are currently at the peak of your career with a good business and enjoy living with your family, of course you also have a desire to be able to provide financial comfort and security for your children and grandchildren in the future. To realize the plan, AXA Mandiri provides Mandiri Elite Plan Insurance to provide life protection, as well as manage your investment. With the composition of 50% of the funds invested in the first year premium payments and 100% of the funds invested in the following years, then your investment results will be more maximal to provide better financial guarantees to children / grandchildren. The benefits obtained are Life Protection Benefits, Investment Fund Benefits and various benefits of additional insurance coverage if taken.

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