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The New Power of Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI) at General Insurance Industry in Indonesia

Siaran Pers Berita

Jakarta – 2 December 2019 – To continuously improve the general insurance service to customers and Indonesian people, PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI) and PT Asuransi AXA Indonesia (AXA General Insurance – AGI) are officially merged following the approval by OJK (Financial Services Authority). The merger is effective on 1 December 2019 in accordance with OJK letter No. S-32/D.05/2019, dated 26 November 2019.

“Post the merger, MAGI and AGI will operate as one organization under the name of PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI). MAGI will be a general insurance company with integrated omni-distribution channels. In addition to Bank Mandiri, our distribution channel is now strengthened by agencies, brokers, partnerships and digital. With this competitive advantage, MAGI strongly believes that we will deliver the best services to our customers and people in Indonesia, ” explained Julien Steimer, President Commissioner of MAGI.

“MAGI”, continued Julien, “will continue to strengthen our products and services in both commercial lines and retail, including to provide easy access through digital platform”.

At the same time, Commissioner of MAGI, who is also Senior Executive Vice President Bank Mandiri, Aquarius Rudianto states that “The momentum of merger of AGI into MAGI should accelerate the strengthening of the line of products and service quality of MAGI. This is expected to give the company a stronger competitive advantage in the general insurance industry in Indonesia”

Benny Waworunto, Compliance Director of MAGI added, “During this integration process, MAGI is committed to putting our customers at the heart of our business and honor the rights of all our customers.”

Benny also emphasizes that the policies issued by MAGI and AGI, which serve as agreements with our customers, will remain in force until their expiry date. Therefore, MAGI will be the insurer responsible for the payment of all claims, benefits and other obligations arising from insurance policies issued by AGI that remain to be completed or performed.

“With the new power in commercial lines and retail, through strategic partnership with Bank Mandiri, innovative line of products, multiple distribution channels, technology, and highly capable resources, MAGI is now more ready than ever to extend their best service to their customers and the people in Indonesia”, said Eddy Alfian, Sales & Distribution Director of MAGI.

Board of Commissioner & Management of MAGI. From left: Frans Wiyono – Independent Commissioner, Indra Noor – Independent Commissioner, Aquarius Rudianto, Commissioner of MAGI & Senior Executive Vice President Bank Mandiri, Julien Steimer – President Commissioner, Eddy Alfian – Director, Benny Waworuntu – Compliance Director, Edwin Sugianto – Director, Juan Cazcarra – Chief Financial Officeer.

Tentang Mandiri AXA General Insurance

Didirikan pada awalnya sebagai PT Asuransi Dharma Bangsa di tahun 1961, PT Mandiri AXA General Insurance (MAGI) mulai beroperasi sebagai perusahaan patungan antara dua perusahaan besar, yakni PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk dan AXA, salah satu perusahaan asuransi terbesar di dunia pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2011.

Dengan dukungan dari jaringan bisnis Bank Mandiri yang luas dan keahlian global AXA, MAGI senantiasa berinovasi dalam menyediakan produk dan jasa asuransi umum bagi para nasabahnya di Indonesia. Melalui 5 kantor cabang, 8 kantor pemasaran, dan bengkel rekanan di 101 kota, MAGI terus berupaya memberikan layanan terbaik kepada seluruh nasabahnya.

For more information, contact:
Risna Yodanti Website :
Corporate Communication MAGI Twitter : @AXA_Mandiri
Telp. Facebook : AXA Mandiri
Fax. Instagram : @AXAMandiri

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